A-Z Project Management Training Program

Asynchronous Self-Paced Course
Training Academy


Training Academy has more than a decade of experience in creating and delivering
effective training following an integrated authoring approach for leaders and managers.

Following discovery, we identified that the Bulgarian market is still lacking a comprehensive
project management training program that covers the entire working process from start to finish.

Creating such a comprehensive program presented an opportunity as a
stand-alone solution for project managers looking where to start, as well as
a supplementary bonus that Training Academy would provide as part of their
client-tailored training - either prior, during or after the programmed sessions.


We developed and recorded a series of courses, offering a comprehensive range
of project management methods as well as popular project management tools that
professionals would naturally find themselves reaching out for or working with sooner or later.

Each course is comprised of easy-to-follow relevant examples
that explain each key component in theory and practice.

Each course presenting a tool was recorded as a
practical tutorial, showing the tool and how to be used.

Additionally, for the flagship course we created a complete follow-along project
that participants could use to practice performing all project-related tasks and
organizing the corresponding information and documentation that go with it.


Consistent Project Outcomes  

Project management training significantly enhances the ability of project managers to deliver
consistent project outcomes. By mastering standardized principles and methodologies,
trained project managers can ensure that projects meet established goals and deadlines.
This consistency fosters trust and satisfaction among stakeholders and clients, reinforcing
the organization's reputation and reliability in the market.

Increased Team Participation  

Training empowers project managers to facilitate better participation from team members
throughout the project lifecycle. When project managers are well-versed in project management
techniques, they can effectively engage their teams in planning, execution, and post-project evaluations.
This collaborative environment not only boosts morale but also ensures that diverse perspectives are
considered, leading to more innovative solutions and a stronger commitment to project success.

Enhanced Confidence and Decision-Making  

Project management training instills confidence in project managers, enabling them to tackle
complex and critical-path projects effectively. Through exposure to real-world scenarios during
training, they develop strong decision-making skills and a broader set of experiences to draw from
when faced with challenges. This confidence is contagious, positively influencing the entire team's
performance and fostering a proactive approach to problem-solving.

Improved Efficiency and Resource Management  

By focusing on practical tools and methodologies, project management training enhances the
efficiency of project managers in utilizing resources and managing timelines. Trained managers
become adept at leveraging software and techniques that streamline project processes, allowing
them to maximize productivity and minimize waste. This efficiency not only accelerates project
delivery but also contributes to cost savings and better resource allocation for the organization.

Leadership Development  

Project management training cultivates essential leadership qualities in project managers,
equipping them to inspire and guide their teams effectively. By learning to manage schedules,
deadlines, and project challenges, they develop the skills necessary to lead diverse teams toward
common goals. This leadership fosters a culture of accountability and high performance, essential
for achieving organizational objectives and driving project success.

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